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iOS App

This is the official Cryptofy support website.

Developer Info

This iOS App is created by Giordano Menegazzi, an individual iOS Developer from the Netherlands.

App Background

This App uses the free API from CoinGecko to get it’s data, this means prices may slighty be delayed. The app does not track or store any data about you or your device. However, the app uses Core Data (Apple’s own framework) to persist your fictive portfolio, this data is only stored in your personal database on your device!

The app is designed to be as secure as possible, so it doesn’t sync or store any real portfolio data from you. You simply enter how much of a particular coin you have and the app then uses that amount and CoinGecko’s current prices to calculate your wallet values.

If you got other suggestions for new features or found any bugs in the app please don’t hesitate to contact me at

I hope you enjoy the App!


Giordano Menegazzi